Rotary Club Chatsworth joins global polio eradication campaign


A team of dedicated and passionate Rotarians who want to make a difference.

In commemoration of World Polio Day, rotating clubs around the world were encouraged to plan outreach activities and raise funds to support the eradication of the disease.

The Chatsworth Rotary Club was also part of the global campaign and organized an exciting Bingo Night on World Polio Day.

All the funds raised during this successful event were spent on this worthwhile project.

Dr. Ansuyah Moodley, representative of the club, said polio eradication was a difficult process.

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"Every day in the world, 360,000 babies are born. To be fully protected against polio, each of them must be vaccinated not once, but several times. To prevent the virus from traveling, every child must be fully vaccinated before enough children are born to allow the virus to travel again, "she said.

The only way to achieve eradication is to use the massive and coordinated scale currently being worked on by Rotary and other health organizations by using a vast network of systems to distribute approximately 430 million doses of vaccine each year, through mass vaccination campaigns.

"Every year, we have to reach very remote places, extremely remote communities, wars, instability, poverty and hundreds of millions of children," added Moodley.

It is an expensive business. It is a task of breathtaking ambition and magnitude, but Rotary continues to do so.

"It's time to give all we have, raise funds, raise awareness and become" the inspiration to end polio now, "she concluded.

If you would like to participate in this polio eradication project or to find out more about club membership contact Chatsworth Rotary Club President Juggie Naidoo at 083-781-5447, Pam International's Director of International Services Naidoo at 083-456. -8169 or PRO, Dr. Ansuyah Moodley at 083-792-1082.

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