Rouhani says "wicked" US government calls for regime change in Iran


(Bloomberg) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the Trump government was "mean" to the Islamic Republic of Iran in an effort to bring about regime change.

Rouhani said that the United States was pushing for the creation of a new leadership in Iran using "a psychological and economic war," according to a report released by the Iranian news agency "Students News Agency".

"In the last 40 years, there has been no more wicked team against the Iranian, Iranian and Republican regimes than the one that currently exists in the United States," Rouhani said Sunday. "There was animosity but it would be a person and the others would be moderate, but now the worst have gathered in the White House."

In May, Trump came out of a nuclear deal struck between Iran and the world powers under its predecessor. The United States began to reinstate the sanctions that had been lifted under the agreement to which Iran was still attached. The stated purpose of Trump is to force Iran's leaders to sign a new agreement that also limits their regional power.

The Trump administration was expecting "Iran to also announce its departure" after the US exit, but Iran "has shown wisdom and has not rushed," he said. Rouhani. "We can leave the nuclear agreement at any time. This is not a problem. Leaving is like breaking a wall, it's easy to tear it down; to build it is difficult. "

To contact the reporter on this story: Ladane Nasseri in Dubai at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Alaa Shahine at [email protected], Todd White, Niveditha Ravi

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