Roundup News: Ever wondered what a bunch of maseratis on fire looks like?


The Cold Start is a round-up of automotive news to get you up to speed in the mornings, because it's hard to keep pace in a digital traffic jam.

Here's what you missed while you were away.

The ocean caused a Maserati bonfire and it was awesome

Hundreds of new Maseratis waiting at a shipping terminal in Liguria, Italy, burst into flames Tuesday night. Nobody was hurt, who were expecting to receive a new Maserati in the coming weeks-their hearts were melted into an unrecognizable mass along with the performance of their luxury vehicles.

The cars were en route to the Middle East when the sea was started, where they were stored. When the water reached a number of cars, it triggered a symphony of explosions. At least the amateur-shot for the owners.

Watch 180 Nissans put on a perfect synchronized performance in Dubai

Nissan Middle East has found itself in the pages of the Guinness Book of World Records yet again. The automaker had 180 of its Patrol SUVs move at perfectly synced speeds in order to create an enormous moving outline of a falcon, the UAE's national symbol. The performance went down at Dubai's Rugby 7s stadium, and the vehicles covered about 1,476 meters during the show.

Pictures of the new BMW 8 Series convertible surface online

2019 BMW 8 Series Convertible

The 2019 BMW 8 Series convertible leaked before its debut at the LA auto show

The BMW 8 Series convertible was originally set to begin in Los Angeles later this month, but someone lacking patience and / or self control leaked the photos for all of the internet. Thing is, the images are not all that shocking; it looks like a regular 8 Series, minus a roof. Still, it's a new luxury convertible and we're heading into winter here in Canada, the thought of driving in SoCal sounds pretty appealing right about now.

Red ahead for U.S. automakers

auto dealer jobs 20180119 News Roundup: Ever wondered what a bunch of Maseratis on fire looks like?

In this Wednesday, April 26, 2017, photo, Chevrolet Camaro sports cars are lined up in the lot of a Chevrolet dealership in Richmond, Virginia.

Steve Helber /

Associated Press

The year got off to a solid start for U.S. car brands, with larger-than-anticipated sales numbers. Happy automakers. But any smile they had in the first quarter has pretty much inverted by now.

BBlind it on interest-rate hikes, blame it on the fall of the sedan, blame it on the millennials, but those strong sales numbers are slipping down into the red. Sad automakers. Read more about Nissan, GM And Ford can not seem to get off here.

Tesla's autopilot system draws second lawsuit in two months

tesla autopilot News Roundup: Ever wondered what a bunch of Maseratis on fire looks like?

Calgary Herald Writer Tom Babin lets the autopilot drive the Tesla Model P90D electric car east of Calgary on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015.

Gavin Young /

Calgary Herald

Tesla's autopilot system is in the headlines, and not because it's a bit like a podcast (he did those things though-don't ever forget). Florida resident Shawn Hudson used his Model S's semi-autonomous driving feature often during his lengthy commute, allowing it to keep going unchecked and uncomplicated. a disabled Ford Fiesta.

Tesla said in press release it's no reason to believe the systems "malfunctioned or operated other than as designed," reminding drivers that "when using Autopilot, it is the driver's responsibility to remain attentive to their surroundings and in control of the vehicle at all times . "

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