ROYAL GRANDCHILDREN: Queen's grandchildren and grandchildren, from the youngest to the youngest | Royal | New


Queen Elizabeth II (92) has eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Another is about to arrive for Prince Harry's baby and Meghan Markle next spring. For the public, she is known as the Queen of England, but for the young royals she is simply "Granny" or "Gan-Gan". Below you will find Queen Elizabeth's grandchildren and grandchildren, from the oldest to the youngest.

The little and great grandchildren of the queen, from the oldest to the youngest

Small children

Peter Phillips – 41 years old

Peter is the son of Princess Anne, daughter of the Queen, and Captain Mark Phillips.

Zara Tindall – 37 years old

Zara is the only daughter of Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips.

Lady Louise Windsor – 15 years old

Lady Louise Windsor is the youngest granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth and the daughter of Prince Edward and Sophie, the Countess of Wessex.

James, Viscount Severn – 10 years old

James, Viscount Severn is the youngest grandson of the Queen and son of Prince Edward and the Countess of Wessex, Sophie.

Great grandchildren

Savannah Phillips – 7 years old

Savannah Phillips is the eldest of Queen Elizabeth's great-grandchildren and the daughter of Peter Phillips and Autumn Kelly.

Isla Phillips – 6 years old

Isla Phillips is the youngest daughter of Peter Phillips and Autumn Kelly.

Prince George – 5 years

Prince George is the third successor to the British throne behind his grandfather, Prince Charles and his father, Prince William. He is also the son of Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Mia Tindall – 4 years old

Mia Tindall is the eldest daughter of Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall.

Princess Charlotte – 3 years

Princess Charlotte is the only daughter of Prince William and Kate.

Prince Louis – six months

Little Prince Louis is the son of Prince William and Kate. He was born on April 23, 2018.

Lena Elizabeth Tindall – five months

Lena Elizabeth Tindall is the latest edition of the British Royal Family and the daughter of Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall.

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