Royal Navy sailors detained in the United States for drunken behavior | British news


Several Royal Navy sailors were arrested following reports of drunken mooring behavior in Florida.

The Defense Ministry said six staff members had been arrested, but a spokesman could not confirm that they belonged to HMS Queen Elizabeth, the new British aircraft carrier, or to support ships.

According to Florida Times-Union, the sailors were reportedly arrested on mostly drunk and disorderly charges.

He reported that Sgt Larry Smith of the Jacksonville Beach Police Department said that three of the sailors were also accused of resisting arrest, with a sailor being stunned with a Taser.

The Ministry of Defense said that six staff members had been arrested but could not confirm that they belonged to the HMS Queen Elizabeth

The Ministry of Defense said that six staff members had been arrested but could not confirm that they belonged to the HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo: Andrew Matthews / PA

A spokesman for the Royal Navy said: "We can confirm that a number of Navy members are helping US police in their investigations – it would be inappropriate to comment further at this point.

"The Naval Service attaches great importance to maintaining the highest possible standards of behavior of its personnel at all times."

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