Royal news: Queen and Philip doubted ‘loose cannon’ Charles’s suitability for throne | Royal | News


The monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh are said to have feared their eldest son Charles was not suitable for the throne.

According to royal sources, the Queen and her husband once regarded Charles as a “loose cannon”.

And the tensions between Charles and his parents were fuelled by Jonathan Dimbleby’s explosive biography of the Prince, released in 1994 for the 25th anniversary of his investiture as Prince of Wales.

The bombshell book claimed that Charles and his parents had a difficult relationship, with the Queen and Philip said to be unaffectionate to the Prince as a child.

But relations between Charles, the Queen and Philip are thought to have improved over the years.

The trio always display a united front when they step out in public together.

And Charles was raised at a time when many traditional parents had a more distant relationship with their children.

Another source close to the royals admitted that Charles and Philip still do not always see eye-to-eye.

The source told the Daily Mail: “Of course, they love each other.

“They always kiss each other when they meet, but on occasion they fundamentally disagree about big issues.

“These discussions may look quite heated, but actually they are just passionate people – passionate about what they believe in. That doesn’t make them enemies, it just means they disagree.”

The claims about the Queen and Philip are not the first time Charles’s suitability as monarch has been questioned.

Speaking in 1995, Princess Diana cast doubt over whether Charles should be King in her devastating Panorama interview broadcast after the couple separated in 1992.

Asked by interviewer Martin Bashir if Charles would ever be King, Diana said: “I don’t think any of us know the answer to that.

“And obviously it’s a question that’s in everybody’s head. But who knows, who knows what fate will produce, who knows what circumstances will provoke?”

Pressed on whether Charles would want to take on the role, Diana questioned whether Charles could “adapt” to the “top job”.

Diana said: “There was always conflict on that subject with him when we discussed it, and I understood that conflict, because it’s a very demanding role, being Prince of Wales, but it’s an equally more demanding role being King.

“And being Prince of Wales produces more freedom now, and being King would be a little bit more suffocating.

“And because I know the character I would think that the top job, as I call it, would bring enormous limitations to him, and I don’t know whether he could adapt to that.”

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