Rudy Giuliani says the United States will overthrow the Iranian regime, blowing the official line of the White House


Rudy Giuliani, the personal advocate of President Donald Trump, believes that sanctions against Iran could lead to a "successful revolution" in the country.

In May, the Trump administration decided to reimpose the sanctions in Tehran and withdraw the United States from the 2015 international nuclear treaty.

Despite this decision, Washington maintains that the change of government in Tehran is not US policy. But Giuliani appeared to contradict this position on Saturday during a summit he held at an Iranian summit organized by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities, which opposes the Tehran government.

"I do not know when we are going to overthrow them," Giuliani was quoted by Reuters as saying.

"It could be in a few days, a few months, a few years. But it will happen.

"The Iranians obviously have enough. The sanctions work. Money is useless […] these are the kinds of conditions that lead to a successful revolution. "

The declared goal of the sanctions against Iran is to curb the country's nuclear program and to put an end to militancy in the Middle East.

Giuliani, however, has already indicated that this initiative was aimed at destabilizing the Tehran government. Addressing the Iranian National Council of Resistance in Paris in June, he said the economic sanctions would "suffocate" the Iranian ayatollahs.

Last month, Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, insisted that Washington was not involved in any policy of "regime change" in Tehran.

Bolton admitted, however, that the Trump administration wanted to see the Iranian government change its approach.

The US State Department said Giuliani did not speak on behalf of the administration on issues regarding Washington's policy towards Iran.

However, comments may reignite tensions between the two countries, especially since they intervened shortly before Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accuses the United States of behaving like "brimers" and wanting to create

"The small puppet countries of the region are supported by the United States and the United States provoke them and give them the necessary capabilities," Rouhani told Reuters before leaving Tehran for New York. this week.

Rouhani only spoke one day after 25 people were killed at a military parade in the Islamic Republic in Ahvaz city. Among the victims, 12 were among the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and the attack was one of the worst attacks on the country's most powerful military force.

Speaking of US sanctions, Mr. Rouhani added: "We hope to overcome these sanctions with the least possible cost and to make America regret its aggression towards other countries, especially Iran."

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