Rudy Giuliani spreads the message that "Antichrist" George Soros is behind Kavanaugh's protests


President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has been criticized for retweeting a message describing financier George Soros as an "anti-Christ."

GettyImages-631555536 The former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, addresses reporters at the Trump Tower on January 12, 2017 in New York City. Getty Images

"Follow the money .I think Soros is the antichrist! He has to leave! Freezes his assets and I bet the protests cease," reads the money from a Twitter user, Dee Thompson, retweeted by Giuliani early Saturday.

The retweeted message was originally released on Friday in response to a video by Tom Fitton, chairman of the Judicial Watch press group, which claims that activists opposed to Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court have used "intimidation and violence".

The retweet picks up a highly criticized Trump message, which in a tweet on Friday repeated the right-wing conspiracy theory that protesters protesting against Kavanaugh's appointment are "paid professionals who only seek to give senators a bad look."

The president added that they were "paid by Soros and others."

Trump and his followers are not strangers to the spread of conspiracy theories aimed at discrediting his opponents. Trump begins his political career by spreading groundless plot theory on President Barack Obama.

However, this is the first time that the president and his entourage are concentrating their anger on the US-Hungarian financier Soros, a pseudonym for the far right American and European, because of its funding for various liberal companies.

Critics responded incredulously to Giuliani's retweet.

Giuliani did not respond to a request for comment.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in an online poll on online anti-Semitic hate in 2017, pointed out that Soros, a Jew, had become a target for conspiracy theorists who allege that he "uses" directly his largesse to fund events under false flag ".

"Other tweets refer to his Jewish heritage in derogatory terms and claim that he is trying to undermine Western civilization," said the ADL.

Vox reported that National examination Columnist John Fund helped spread rumors about anti-Kavanaugh protesters, claiming that two women who had faced Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator about his plans to approve Kavanaugh were working for the Center for Popular Democracy, which received a financing of the public company of Soros. Foundation.

Conservative radio host Bill Mitchell accused Soros of "seditious conspiracy against the United States" on Friday.

"Can you imagine if we would throw Soros into jail and take his possessions as an enemy of the United States tomorrow, what would the Democrats do?" he tweeted.

Soros and former New York Mayor Giuliani have already clashed.

After Giuliani accused Soros of links with the progressive pressure group MoveOn.Org, which had published in 2007 controversial ads about the war against Iraq, Soros said in an interview with the WNYC: "J & # 39; would attribute this to an Orwellian transfer technique – personal attack on me – transfer it to me, "

"I never liked it, incidentally," continued the financier.

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