Rupaul's Drag Race Finale: Sasha Velor on her "Alien Eve" look


The monster reign is just beginning

The time of Sasha Velor on the throne of RuPaul Drag Race ended when she crowned Aquaria in the final of season 10, but her appearance of coronation She has much more to show the world.

The winner of season 9 drew the model of its style director, Nancy The Girl, and the designer Diego Montoya, whose "beautiful embellishments" gave life to his vision. "I wanted to embody the fantasy of an extraterrestrial goddess more than a human, a kind of Fantasy for a new world of queer, imaginative artists who transcend humanity," says Velor to PEOPLE about his final look. "So we had an extraterrestrial idea, and then we gave him an Eve, or maybe even Lilith, a twist of somebody who experimented, and got acquainted and really transformed into empowerment. "

"I wanted to do something that had pants, I looked at all the queens who came back and thought about the classic look of the drag queen and it's still a traditional dress" , she adds

Velor has faced great expectations for her return to the next stage of RPDR lip synchronization "So Emotional", now iconic, which l & # 39; helped her clinch the title of season 9, but the star says it's her "own crazy demands" that really push her to innovate

with something, so it's dangerous.Now my body is completely covered with crystals and stones, I am a perfect alien goddess wrapped in a snake, holding a giant apple, I do not know what could possibly be next … Probably minimalism, "she jokes

Ethereal look suits a queen who spent last year re traveling around the globe and cultivate inner strength

"Obviously, my life has changed dramatically." year. "The practicalities are different and bigger, and Sasha had to become a very powerful, intelligent and intelligent person.I am grateful to have had this character because the need for her to pretend to be this person has, I think , really made me that person. "

With his Brooklyn Theater Show, Nightgowns a series of short films entitled One Dollar Drags and the launch of his own drag magazine , Velor star worked overtime to provide meaningful and enlightening entertainment since she won the crown.

"Everybody Crosses Drag Race and especially the people who may have After the show, the great careers have a responsibility to the queer community to do a good job of representing gay people all over the board to be kind and magnets, "she said. "We are brought into the world to entertain people and to give, especially to homosexuals, the feeling that there is entertainment created for us, with our standard of beauty, joy and truth and sexual bending. . I've really tried to be up to this year. "

This responsibility only intensified as RPDR reached a wider audience – and more and more fervent –

" I think the movement at VH1 really had a huge impact for the community, "says Velor." This has definitely changed and widened the audience of the show, which allows us to share our stories and experiences as weird people with people who do not. Might not have access to these stories. "

" The public of Drag Race and fans of drag queens are often very surprising, "she adds. "The other day at the airport, I was talking to a middle-aged couple who recognized me by drag and wanted to have a picture. It's so beautiful that the drag is able to talk to so many different types of people. "

But, more eyes on the competition to become America's next superstar means a greater potential for embarrassing behavior within the community . In season 10 in particular, current and former competitors have struggled with the disturbing treatment of queens of color.

The winner of Bob the Drag Queen's Season 10, RPDR attracted attention on Twitter. "Sometimes Drag Race makes me realize other things about the world – not all of them, but many of the most popular queens fall into the slim white category.And NO black queen, except @RuPaul, has more of a million followers.This is not the show.It is the fandom, " that he wrote earlier this month .

Velor privileged his own platforms and passionate fans to bring visibility to a wide range of artists, with the hope that

"Racism is a problem everywhere, especially in this country but all over the world, and especially in the queer space, "she says. "I think the best thing to do is to turn to the wonderful POC animators who are very visible in the world and that many people have not even given the time of the day, which are more One of my goals is always to share any type of projector that I receive.I like my show Nightgowns is a place where people can come and get to know a lot of different artists "

" And it's no secret that the trail does not exist without disguise artists, without transvestites of immigrants, and we all see together as a community, as we intend to be, feels very political at a time when this vision of beauty is not represented almost everywhere.And I hope that the drag community is working more strong – I have work to do myself – and I hope everyone gets will join this process so that we can, by upsetting the world of the trail, leave an impact in the world. [19659002Continuedexpandedinfluenceintheworldofthedreamandbeyondbackingtotheworkshopforuneason All Stars is an adventure that she has no interest in pursuing: "I do not think so [I'd consider going back]"she says." The trail in which I am immersed is not a question of competition. It is about celebrating and edifying the amazing people around you and being part of a conversation rather than slowly eliminating other queens up to this point. that you are the only one standing. That does not please me. "

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