Russell Westbrook and Patrick Beverley hate each other as much as ever


Russell Westbrook and Patrick Beverley do not like each other, and the beef resulting from Westbrook's knee injury in the 2013 playoffs added a new chapter when the Thunder and Clippers played at OKC on Tuesday night.

Westbrook finished with 32 points, eight assists and three flights in the Thunder victory over the Clippers (128-110), and some of those baskets fought against Beverley. In one of his plays, he took the Los Angeles defenseman to the rim and celebrated his victory by rocking an imaginary baby.

"Yes, you have little children. You must make little babies. Put them to sleep, "said Westbrook about his new celebration after the game. "Put them to sleep. You have little children on you, that's what happens.

Beverley scored Dennis Schroder in the second quarter, and he made the favor by rocking the baby while watching Westbrook.

But things went wrong in the fourth quarter

Westbrook lost the ball trying to lead Montrezl Harrell to the rim, and Beverley was bent on what he said was a diving attempt for a ball foul. Instead, his shoulder hit Westbrook's knee, and he was declared blatant. 1.

This play was reminiscent of Beverley in the 2013 playoffs, which resulted in the first major knee injury in Westbrook's career. The two men began to argue afterwards, and the Oklahoma City police even broke into the field shortly thereafter to prevent the two guards from hitting each other further.

The Thunder won at 18 and Beverley went to Westbrook after the match.

"I went for a loose ball," Beverley said of the Westbrook game. After the play, he said, "Someone walked up to our bench, doing all that DIY. I do not know what it is, do that and all that [gesturing fist punching into hand], I do not know. Of course, things went bad from there. Two competitors, no one will back down. Nobody did it.

Beverley also told a fan of heckling: "It was seven years ago, little brother. Let yourself go. That was after the fan commentary on the piece he had played on Westbrook in 2013.

This was the room in which Beverley tried to steal, while Westbrook dribbled to the sidelines to indicate a timeout. Instead, he hit Westbrook's knee, a game that resulted in a torn meniscus for the Thunderkeeper.

Since then, Westbrook and Beverley have been in trouble, and although Beverley is ready to move on, Westbrook and Oklahoma City fans are not.

Beverley said he did not want to hurt Westbrook in this 2013 play, but that does not matter. Both will be rivals forever, and it will be a rivalry to watch until they retire.

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