Russia could abandon lunar station plan with NASA, rejoices – RT World News


Russia could leave a joint venture with NASA to build a lunar station because it does not want to "play a supporting role" in the effort. Instead, Moscow joins the BRICS countries, confirmed a Roscosmos official.

The fate of the joint program to build a Russian-American station to explore the moon is now in contradiction, with the two sides not agreeing on some of the burden they would share.

"The Russian Federation can not afford to play the supporting role of violinist" Dmitry Rogozin, the leader of Roscosmos, said.

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Roscosmos and NASA agreed last year to develop the Lunar Orbital platform, also called Gateway. Russia now maintains that the United States wants them to contribute only partially to the ambitious project.

According to reports, NASA wants Roscosmos to build a docking bay and an adjacent module. But both parties must be able to accommodate US space suits and be designed in accordance with US technical guidelines.

If Roscosmos and NASA fail to agree, Russia will consider a similar project with the BRICS countries, Rogozin said. Without elaborating on the question, he said: "Whether it is a Russian or international station remains to be negotiated."

Deep Space Gateway can help you "Acquire experience for human missions that penetrate further into the solar system, access the lunar surface for robotic missions but with the ability to return to Earth if needed in days rather than weeks or weeks." month" NASA said earlier in March.

In 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin said Moscow could team up with Beijing to create a science station on the moon. Bring China in "As the main partner in the creation of a lunar scientific station" was discussed with Roscosmos. And earlier this year, the two agreed to create a common data center for lunar and space projects.

READ MORE: Space duo: Russia invites China to create a common lunar station

Formerly known as the Deep Space Gateway, the development of the current lunar station is led by contributors to the International Space Station, including ESA, NASA and Roscosmos. The project is intended to help extend the presence of humanity to the moon, Mars and further into the solar system.

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