Russia declares that one of its computers from the space station broke down but that two others are OK


One of the three computers on the Russian side of the International Space Station crashed, but orbital operations are not affected by the smooth operation of the other two systems, the Russian Space Agency reported today.

"For the computer to work, it is necessary to restart it," Roscosmos said in a state report. This will happen Thursday.

Roscosmos said the two other computer systems were sufficient to ensure the station's safety indefinitely, but wanted the third one to go online again "to ensure the reliability" of next week's stowage with a cargo ship Russian Progress not yet armed.

The computer problem was the latest in a series of technical problems involving Russian space hardware. In August, the crew of the space station had to plug an air leak in a Russian Soyuz spacecraft currently docked at the station. And last month, a Soyuz rocket suffered an anomaly that canceled the launch of two new crew members at the station.

Last week, Russian investigators traced the rocket's failure to a curved sensor and authorized a series of Soyuz rocket launches, which led to the delivery of a new set of spacecraft in December. Meanwhile, the Russians are planning an exit into space this month to check the Soyuz air leak from the outside.

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