Russia does not want a "second fiddle role" in a space station project in lunar orbit with the United States



NASA plans a habitat in the far space near the Moon, called the gateway to the lunar orbital platformThe NASA

Apparently, the Russians are not very enthusiastic about working with the United States on space trading. According to recent reports, Moscow could abandon a project to build a space station in lunar orbit in collaboration with the NASA space agency and the reason why Russia does not want a "supporting violin", said a Russian leader. .

Last year, Russia agreed to work alongside NASA on the plans for the Deep Space Gateway orbiting the moon. The space station was expected to become a future rally station for deep space missions. However, the head of the Russian Space Agency, Roscosmos, said that Russia could withdraw from the collaboration. Instead, the country could go ahead and propose its own space station project.

The RIA news agency reported that Rogozin had said that the Russian Federation could not "afford to play the second role of violinist".

On the other hand, a spokesman for Roscosmos said that Russia was not leaving the plan; he also has no immediate plans to do it. Vladimir Ustimenko said that the country "has not refused to participate in the project" with the United States, reported the TASS news agency.

It should be noted that relations between the two countries, namely the United States and Russia, began to dwindle in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea to Ukraine.

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