Russia no longer wants a "second violin arrangement" in a lunar orbit discipline location company with the United States.


Russia might also decide not to collaborate and move forward to involve its very unstable discipline.

NASA plans a deep discipline stop at the Moon, dubbed Lunar Orbiting Platform Gateway NASA
It seems that the Russians are not so eager to join the United States with the same discipline as the industry. Based largely on most model studies, Moscow could perhaps, in collaboration with the American discipline company NASA, build a discipline site in the lunar orbit. "Second violin arrangement", recognized an authentic Russian.
Last year, Russia agreed to work alongside NASA on the Deep Home Gateway projects in orbit around the moon. Previously, the location of the discipline was imagined to evolve into an upcoming publication for in-depth discipline missions. Once again, the head of the Russian drug company Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, admitted that Russia might decide not to cooperate. As a change, the country may well be able to move forward and involve its very unstable discipline project.
The RIA press reported that Rogozin had acknowledged that the Russian Federation could no longer "spend enough money to play the second violin arrangement".
On the whole, a spokesman for Roscosmos acknowledged that Russia was no longer coming out of the idea; nor does it make such quick plans to prevent this. Vladimir Ustimenko acknowledged that the country "no longer refused to withdraw from the segment" with the United States, the TASS news agency reported.
It is important to note that relations between the two countries, namely the United States and Russia, began to collapse in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea to Ukraine.

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