Russia plans long-term basis for the Moon – Space Agency


Russia plans to establish a long-term base on the moon and colonize it over the next two decades, said the head of the Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos.

Roscosmos has received hundreds of applications from aspiring cosmonauts ready to become the first Russians to visit the Moon by 2030. The new concept of Russian lunar exploration should be developed for Roscosmos over the next week, its leader, Dmitry Rogozin told The state-run RIA Novosti news agency announced on Friday.

"We are talking about creating a long-term basis, obviously not [continuously] Rogozin told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

"But in general, we will move to robotic systems, or avatars, that will perform tasks on the lunar surface," he said.

Rogozin did not indicate the dates on which the lunar base would be created.

A draft 2014 government program prepared by Roscosmos, Russian scientists and academics presented a three-step plan for managing the moon. The final stage planned for 2030 envisages the establishment by man of infrastructures for a colony using local resources.

President Vladimir Putin pledged to launch a mission to Mars next year and said that Russia would launch a mission to the moon to explore the existence of water.

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