Russia prepares "robotic avatars" to manage its long-term lunar base


The head of the Russian Space Agency has developed an ambitious plan to create a habitable moon base on the lunar surface.

But if this lunar base will be visitable from Earth, humans will not be stationed there.

Instead, it will be managed by "avatars" controlled from our planet, who will manage the base and perform operations on the moon.

"We are talking about creating a long-term base, not constantly monitored, but visitable," said Dmitry Rogozin, managing director of Roscomos, the Russian space agency, on Tuesday.

A science-fiction vision of what a lunar colony might look like (Image: Shutterstock)

He told RIA Novosti, the Russian international news agency, that the base would rely on "robotic systems, avatars that will perform tasks on the surface of the moon."

The Russian politician did not detail the form that the avatars would take. But we can be pretty sure they will not be big blue creatures with tails.

The boss of the Russian space Dmitry Rogozin

Other murmurs of the Russian space agency suggested placing his first humans on the moon around 2030 or 2031.

It is unclear whether they would start building this lunar base or whether the country would attempt to build it remotely with the help of 3D printed materials created directly on the lunar surface.

According to the report, Roscosmos plans to explore the possibility of using lunar soil as a 3D printing material for space technology.

Avatars will probably not look like this (Image: Twentieth Century Fox)

Rogozin also claimed that the project as a whole would be more ambitious than the American program "Apollo" which put men back on the moon in the 60s and 70s.

This week, Russia has also successfully launched a navigation satellite aboard a Soyuz rocket.

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