Russia: The remains of the murdered Romanovs & # 39; authentic & # 39;


New DNA tests on the bones of the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II, and his family confirm that they are authentic. Researchers exhumed the father of Nicolas, Alexander III – himself murdered in 1881 – to prove "that they are father and son". The test results could lead the Russian Orthodox Church to recognize the remains for a complete burial. He said he would review the findings and welcomed the progress of the investigation.

Nicholas II, his German-born wife and their five children were slaughtered by the Bolsheviks as a result of the revolution of October 1917. The bodies of the last members of the Romanov dynasty were thrown into a mine shaft, before being burned and hastily buried by the killers. They were first found by amateur historians in 1979, although the discovery was only revealed in 1991. The Russian Orthodox Church had recognized the ex-tsar as a saint martyr in 1981.

The Church doubts

The Church had challenged the authenticity of the bones following an investigation conducted under the former Russian President, Boris Yeltsin in which the church said to feel marginalized. The bones of Nicholas II, his wife and three of their children – Anastasia, Olga and Tatiana – were buried in St. Petersburg in 1998 under the reign of Yeltsin

The remains of the only son of Nicholas Alexei and his daughter Maria in 2007 and have never been buried. The Russian Church in 2000 granted the whole family the status of martyr because of their faith.


Some had hoped that the Church would recognize the remains in time for a complete burial before the centenary of the murders that took place on the scene. The night of July 16, 1918. The current investigation examines historical documents

Read more: The alienation of history: 100 years after the Russian Revolution of February

According to a study published by the Russian research center VTsIOM, a majority of those surveyed said that they considered the shooting death of the Tsar's family as a "monstrous crime." and unjustified, "reports Moscow Times

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church party, planned to conduct a memorial procession Monday night from the murder site to a monastery.

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