Russia will send humanoid robots FEDOR to the space station


The Russian space agency Roscosmos reportedly approved the project to send two humanoid robots to the ISS. FEDOR robots were trained to fire pistols with both arms, operate a drill and drive a car.

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Russia would send two humanoid robots to the International Space Station. Robots called FEDOR have remarkable abilities such as the ability to shoot guns and drive a car.

The Roscosmos Space Agency has announced plans to send robots into space aboard an unmanned Soyuz spacecraft next August. 19659003] Previous robots were sent to space as cargo, but the RIA Novosti website reported that two FEDORS, which represent the final experimental research on the demonstration objects, will fly to the 39; ISS as crew members. Roscosmos general manager Dmitry Rogozin said the country's FEDOR robot was learning to shoot with both arms, adding that the new capability could help improve robot movement and decision-making capabilities.

and a short video on Facebook and Twitter about the robot's new ability to shoot a pair of pistols at a target with remarkable accuracy. In the midst of fears of killing machines, Rogozin assured the public that Russia was only creating an artificial intelligence and not a deadly robot. "Shooting exercises are a method for teaching the robot to prioritize and make immediate decisions.No Terminator," he tweeted in April of last year.

Other Skills

In addition to the possibility of firing rifles, the Fedor robot has also been trained to lift weights, drill, pump, screw the bulbs, walk vertically, insert the keys into a lock, open the doors and drive.

The robot was originally developed for rescue, but engineers have suggested military uses

In Space Robots

including NASA worked on robots designed for space mission. In 2015, the US space agency sent a humanoid robot called Robonaut 2 aboard the ISS. It was the first humanoid robot skilled at being sent into space.

In June, the 15th SpaceX cargo mission to ISS delivered the AI ​​CIMON robot. Astronauts will use the CIMON Interactive Mobile Companion to discover how artificial intelligence can increase tasks in the space.

ISS members will evaluate how intelligent robots can reduce stress and simplify the work of astronauts. implications for long-term space missions. NASA has long recognized the potential contributions of robots in space missions.

"NASA relies on robots to install and maintain space exploration facilities and equipment pre-deployed before astronauts," said Sasha Congiu Ellis, NASA. Center. "Robots are also excellent precursors to conducting scientific missions prior to human exploration."

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