Russian cosmonauts investigate a hole in a Soyuz spacecraft from outside – Roscosmos


Russian cosmonauts Aleksey Ovchinin and Sergey Prokopyev will go on a spacewalk on November 15 to try to investigate a micro-hole in the hull of the Soyuz spacecraft from outside, the Russian space company Roscosmos said on Tuesday.

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – September 19, 2018) On November 15, Russian cosmonauts Aleksey Ovchinin and Sergey Prokopyev will take part in a spacewalk to examine a micro-hole in the hull of the Soyuz vessel since the beginning of the war. outside, the Russian State Space Corporation Roscosmos said on Tuesday.

On August 30, the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) detected an insignificant air leak caused by a microfracture on a wall of the living section of the Soyuz MS-09 probe, moored to the 39, ISS. The hole was repaired the same day to restore the hermetic integrity of the ISS.

"The spacewalk is scheduled for November 15th.

This is a planned trip, to which we add a task, "told reporters the first deputy general manager of Roscosmos, Nikolay Sevastyanov.

Meanwhile, Roscosmos deputy general manager Sergei Krikalev said the cosmonauts will attempt to open the Soyuz MS-09's thermal blanket and micrometeorite protection to examine the hole from the outside. to detect the presence of burrs.

In addition, Ovchinin and Prokopyev will try to find the remains of a sealant, with which the hole could have been plugged during the production of the spacecraft, said Krikalev.

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