Russian module of the ExoMars-2020 mission on Earth in March 2021 – Chef Roscosmos


Daniyal Sohail

Russian module of the ExoMars-2020 mission on Earth in March 2021 - Chief Roscosmos

The Russian landing module of the Russia-EU ExoMars-2020 joint mission will land on Mars in March 2021, Russian Foreign Minister Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin said on Saturday.

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – September 22, 2018) The Russian landing module of the Russia-EU ExoMars-2020 Joint Mission will land on Mars in March 2021, Russian Foreign Minister Rmitio Rogozin said on Saturday.

"On March 19, 2021, the Russian landing module is expected to land the European rover on the red planet," said Rogozin on Facebook.

ExoMars is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and Roscosmos. ExoMars-2020 is the second step of the joint project. The first phase of the project included the launch of the European Greenhouse Gas Orbiter (TGO) and the Schiaparelli Demonstration Module.

Schiaparelli failed to reach a soft landing, crashing on the surface of Mars in October 2016.

The ExoMars-2020 mission will include the launch of a European rover and a landing module developed in Russia. The Russian landing platform, whose final assembly is provided by Lavochkin NPO, will be equipped with 11 Russian scientific instruments and two European instruments. The Mars rover will have seven European and two Russian scientific devices on board.

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