Russian rapper Husky in court after defying ban concert


Dmitry Kuznetsov, better known as Husky, appears in court

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Husky, right, appeared in court Thursday

One of Russia's most popular rappers appears in court after the police arrested him while he was performing in front of an audience on the roof of a car.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, better known as Husky, staged Wednesday the impromptu concert in the southern city of Krasnodar after the cancellation of an official concert under pressure from the authorities.

Prosecutors had warned the place that the event contained "extremism".

Husky's lawyer said that he could face 15 days in jail.

He is accused of disobeying the police and organizing an unauthorized gathering.

Husky has gained tremendous success on social media, but his music has often been criticized by the authorities.

Images on social media showed the police arresting Husky as he stood on the car and hit supporters chanting slogans. The crowd booed and mocked while he was bundled up.

According to reports, the lobby of the Krasnodar Arena, where the Husky concert was originally scheduled, canceled the event after prosecutors had issued a warning against "the inadmissibility of". 39, extremist activities ".

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Husky then tried to perform in a club but the power was cut, the Kommersant newspaper reported. He and his fans then moved to a nearby street where the police are located.

The rapper recently said in an article posted on social networks that cinemas in several cities were under pressure to cancel his concerts.

Husky's lyrics are known to make fun of the Russian authorities and one of his first songs openly criticized President Vladimir Putin.

However, he also reportedly supported Russian-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Dmitry Kuznetsov was born in 1993 in Ulan-Ude in eastern Siberia. His 2017 album, Favorite Songs of (Imaginary) People, has become one of the most popular releases in Russia.

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