Ryan Fitzpatrick arrives for Jameis Winston, infested with INT


After Jameis Winston launched his fourth interception in less than three quarters, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach, Dirk Koetter, finally had enough.

The fourth interception of Winston, a choice of six that put the Buccaneers in a 34-16 hole, Winston was benched. Ryan Fitzpatrick, who started the first four games of the season, including three while Winston was suspended, came into play.

It was a terrible exit for Winston, who is still trying to find his place among the Buccaneers after the end of his rookie contract. Winston started an interception in the end zone in the first quarter, an interception later in the midfield quarter that seemed meant for none of his team, was extremely inaccurate on the third day ended with the pick-six.

The turnover was the main problem of Winston. He made some games on Sunday, scoring 276 yards in less than three quarters. But obviously, launching four interceptions is inexcusable. Fitzpatrick played very well in the first three games of the season and the team decided to return to Winston, first pick in the 2015 draft.

Now the Buccaneers have yet to decide who will be their full-time starter.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston made four interceptions and was found on the bench. (AP)

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