Ryan Tannehill of the Dolphins: allowed to make light shots


Coach Adam Gase said Tuesday that Tannehill (the shoulder) could resume light throws at training, Safid Deen said of the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

The Dolphins have already ruled Tannehill out for a third straight game Thursday against the Texans, but it looks like the quarterback is progressing at least in his recovery from the injury to the right shoulder, which would be a sprain to the knuckle. AC. Tannehill has been coaching with the team in a limited way since it was revealed that the injury was being inflicted for the first time, but it's mostly limited to preparing for the job then that the Dolphins forbade him to throw. Gase said Tannehill could use a Nerf ball to limit pressure on his shoulder during the launch of his throwing program. It therefore seems that the flagman will need an extra healing time before he can throw a regular football without restrictions. Brock Osweiler will take another start as Tannehill focuses on a potential return of the 9th week against the Jets.

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