Sacha Baron Cohen brings Borat back to alter mid-term conditions


Sacha Baron Cohen has returned to US television screens in a number of controversial forms this year, but he lacked one: Borat.

However, the Kazakh reporter made his first appearance on screen since 2012 Tuesday night, when he played in a skit for Jimmy Kimmel Live and attempted to alter the votes of the filmmaker. electorate in the mid-term elections.

In Borat's costume, Cohen began his segment by announcing "that it is up to Kazakhstan to tip elections to Prime Minister Trump. [sic]. "

The infamous anti-Semitic character decided to support Trump by preventing Jews from going to the polls and traveling to a wealthy neighborhood in Los Angeles.

Unlike his character, Cohen is a vocal critic of Trump, telling Kimmel in 2015 that "the only person who would ban Muslims is a person with a brain like a chicken."

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