"Safe" heart disease is linked to sudden death syndrome


Heart disease that affects one in 100 people and is considered harmless has been associated with sudden death syndrome.

The prolapse of the mitral valve occurs when the valves that separate the different chambers of the heart do not close properly.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have discovered that 12% of people die when their hearts suddenly stop beating.

Heart disease affecting 1.2 in 100 people has been associated with sudden death (stock)

Heart disease affecting 1.2 in 100 people has been associated with sudden death (stock)

Heart disease affecting 1.2 in 100 people has been associated with sudden death (stock)

MVP occurs when the heart's mitral valve becomes too soft and therefore does not close as tightly as it should.

This can affect the flow of blood in the body, however, the NHS Choices indicates that it often does not require treatment.

"The prolapse of the mitral valve is a condition in which the leaflets of the valve (mitral valve) that allow the blood to flow from one chamber to the other do not close in a regular manner, but are reversed. in the left atrium, "writes Dr. Rajiv. Mahajan said.

"Over the years, several case studies have associated mitral valve prolapse with unexplained sudden cardiac death, but the link has not been confirmed."


Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) occurs when the small flap in the heart that prevents blood from flowing in the wrong direction becomes too soft and does not close properly.

Many people with MVP have no symptoms and the disease is detected only during a cardiac examination performed for another reason.

MVP affects about 1.2 out of 100 people.

In some cases, it can cause:

  • Dizziness
  • breathlessness
  • Tired
  • An irregular heartbeat or palpitations

Most cases do not require treatment, depending on NHS choices.

Doctors can recommend lifestyle changes, such as quitting, drinking alcohol or caffeine due to overwork of the heart.

In severe cases, medications such as beta-blockers may help treat an irregular heartbeat.

Surgery may also be required to repair or replace the mitral valve.

Most people with MVP are born with the condition.

But it is more common in people with connective tissue disorders, such as Marfan syndrome.

In rare cases, MVP can occur due to cardiovascular muscle damage, for example after a heart attack.

The researchers analyzed 34 studies evaluating the frequency of MVP and the frequency of sudden cardiac death (SCD).

The findings, published in the journal Heart, suggest that only 1.2% of people in England suffer from MVP.

But in 11.7% of MSC cases, the deceased suffered from MVP.

Sudden death syndrome occurs when an otherwise healthy person dies suddenly, the cause being probably heart disease.

In the United Kingdom, in about one in 20 spontaneous heart-related deaths, no definite cause can be found.

The researchers believe that the high prevalence of MVP in DCS suggests that it could cause sudden death, particularly because the valve disorder is relatively rare in the general population.

"Our analysis confirms the association and indicates that the incidence of sudden cardiac death in patients with mitral valve prolapse is significant at 14 per 1,000 per year," said Dr. Mahajan.

Professor Prash Sanders, co-author, added, "With one out of five sudden cardiac deaths (SDC) occurring in normally normal heart patients, this research provides a better understanding of patients with mitral valve prolapse and high risk conditions. and potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

This comes after research published last month suggested that a "harmless" virus carried by half of adults increases the risk of heart disease by one-fifth.

According to the Brighton and Sussex Medical School study, being infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV), a cousin of the herpes virus and spreading through contact or body fluids, increases the risk of 20% To catch a heart disease.

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