Saints David Onyemata struck with a fine greater than play check, may appeal | NFL


Saints defensive tackle David Onyemata was fined more than his weekly check after two smuggler penalties against the Buccaneers last week, ESPN reported.

Onyemata will be fined $ 40,108, which is in fact over $ 37,059. But he can not be stuck with the full ticket.

Players can appeal to have their fine reduced if it exceeds 50% of their salary, according to the NFL collective agreement. They may also appeal if a fine for an offense exceeds 25% of their weekly check or if a fine for two offenses exceeds 50%.

This would bring the Onyemata total to $ 9,264.

Onyemata, a fourth-round pick in the 2016 draft, was not the only one to end up with a hefty fine at the opening weekend of the NFL, but he was the only player to be hit with two goals . One of the penalties fell under the umbrella of the new rule of the rough, which does not allow the defensive players to put all their weight on the quarter.

Many actors have expressed frustration at the fines resulting from this change, but Onyemata is focusing on ways to get around the problem.

"I'm working on different things, maybe hitting them and falling on the side or something," Onyemata told reporters earlier this week via ESPN. "Do not put all my weight on them."

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