Salesforce co-CEO Marc Benioff stands out from Techlash


Salesforce co-CEO Marc Benioff made a subtle impact Tuesday on Facebook and other technology companies that have recently been heavily criticized for lax data privacy policies, among other things.

Speaking in San Francisco at Salesforce's annual Dreamforce conference, Benioff told the audience of vendors and developers that companies were facing a "defining moment" and what their values ​​were. for.

Benioff did not directly address the current state of national business, but several technology companies have been severely criticized for the perception that their products have spawned societal problems such as smartphone addiction and data breaches that technology observers have referred to as "techlash".

The Salesforce manager warned of the worrisome future of companies that fail to recognize the criticisms and comments of their customers and other stakeholders.

"We are watching the executives step down, the customers withdraw as a vote of confidence to their leaders," said Benioff. He did not call Facebook directly, but his comments came just a day after the co-founders of the popular photo-sharing company, Instagram, abruptly announced their departure from Facebook's parent company. Many executives have left Facebook in recent months and the social network is facing slower user growth as the company faces many major issues, including the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the spreading of false information about it. social network.

Benioff has already criticized Facebook's social network as "addictive" like cigarettes, and called for more regulation on the technology sector.

He said leaders should "commit to a higher level" and that the "Salesforce culture is based on trust".

"Our trust is with you," said Benioff. "It's our greatest value."

Nevertheless, Salesforce has not been immune to negative public reaction to its policies. Although Benioff used his speech to highlight much of the company's philanthropic work, he did not address activist criticism of the company's decision to retain its contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE). parents.

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Several activists protested Tuesday against the Dreamforce event about the company's deal with ICE and the Customs and Border Protection Agency. Benioff has already stated that Salesforce's products are not directly involved in separating children from parents and that he has "personally supported financially legal groups helping families on the border".

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