Salisbury: British police declare 'major incident' near town where Skripals poisoned


The incident occurred a few miles from Salisbury, where British police said that Sergei Skripal, a Russian double-living agent living in the UK, and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve agent military in March.

It is unclear exactly what Amesbury's duo, a man and a woman in his forties, may have been exposed to.

The two were found unconscious in a property on Saturday and are currently in critical condition, according to They were first considered to have become ill after consuming crack or heroin, but they are now "treated for an alleged exposure to an unknown substance", said Wiltshire police to Wiltshire police. A declaration.

"Other tests are currently underway to establish the substance that has led to the illness of these patients and we keep an open mind about the circumstances surrounding this incident," he adds.

According to the police, the Salisbury District Hospital is open as usual and advises people to attend routine appointments unless a spokesman for Public Health England ( PHE) said: "The current advice of PHE England, based on the number of victims affected, is that it is not believed that there is a significant risk to the health of the general public. March incident in Salisbury sparked a diplomatic dispute between the United Kingdom and Russia after British investigators blamed Moscow for the attack.

Russia denied allegations, but more than 20 other countries have expelled Russian diplomats from their country to show their support for the United Kingdom

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia have since been released from the hospital