Sam Darnold sounds cold alarms that even the Vikings have noticed


Sam Darnold had never encountered a 39 degree cold wind on the west coast. The rookie quarterback Jets played Darn Cold.

Darnold (17 yards for 42, 206 yards, 1 TD, 3 INT) presented early evidence that he would be a pressure-resistant quarterback, but the day his teammates collapsed and stumbled all around him they needed him a weather-resistant quarter against the Purple People-Eating Vikings, and three interceptions later, the Jets were gone with the wind, humiliating 37-17 losers.

When former Jet Sheldon Richardson was asked about his impressions of Darnold, he replied, "I really do not have any."

How to come?

"Because he's been interception," Richardson said.

Did he look like a typical rookie quarterback?

"Yes," said Richardson. "That's about it."

Except that it was not the case.

"He seemed to be cold, he seemed to be a little frustrated, frustrated to call the game, frustrated a bit with his line. He was frustrated, "Richardson told the Post. "That's what I can tell you. I do not know if he is good or bad. "

Was it something you saw or heard or both?

"A bit of both," said Richardson.

It's a red flag in this respect: Darn Cold will love even less the months of November and December.

Darnold is not an excuse excuse.

"Conditions are the conditions," he said. "There was not too much wind, I did not think. In my opinion, I did not really have a problem with that. "

That did not help him that he did not play in the race (24 litters, 71 yards), was trying to put the ball at Andre Roberts's feet rather than the side of Quincy Enunwa, could not find Jermaine Kearse, even once, endured Spencer Long left him a lost fumble and witnessed splurge on special teams and his defense in the second half.

In other words, Kirk Cousins ​​brought the best team with him, and the Vikings brought the best quarterback, at least from now on.

Darnold struggled with his precision, knocking Robby Anderson over a bomb, throwing him on a shot from the end zone that was fluttering in the wind and throwing behind Chris Herndon earlier in the fourth quarter on the third and 11th.

Darnold had a brilliant first-quarter thrust when, in successive plays, he hit Trenton Cannon on the left with a perfect 35-yard pass, Anderson for 25 and Herndon for 12 yards.

"I hit the players open and I read the defense very well," said Darnold.

It was fleeting. In the second and third quarters, Darnold was 2-for-14 for less than 1 yard. At a time when Gang Green was holding the fort, Darn Cold froze.

"They did a great job in stopping the race and, when we passed the ball, they did a great job covering the guys," said Darnold. "I just have to find some finishing touches, and we have to do a better job."

His worst moment came when he doubled the cover in the third quarter and was intercepted by Harrison Smith on a bypass from Xavier Rhodes. And a 17-7 game has become a 20-7 game.

"I was just trying to get him in there," Darnold said. "Again, it's a bit of a bad read, honestly. I should not have run it in the first place, but they did a great game. "

Todd Bowles: "You can not force it like that … you can not make that mistake."

The return leg of Roberts on 53 yards positions Darnold at Minny 46. And this time, you can not blame Darnold. Isaiah Crowell dropped a wide open pass in the right apartment. Eric Tomlinson dropped a 12th and 12th pass and his first run to center. Objective on the ground.

"Obviously, we would like to connect to those, but at the same time, I have to put it in the right place," said Darnold. "There have been a lot of times where I've been badly targeted with a lot of shots."

Down 27-17 with 8:48 left, Darnold was intercepted by Holton Hill. His third choice came on a pass that whistled in the hands of Charone Peake.

Quarterback Darn-Cold, frozen receivers.

"I've learned a lot about this game," said Darnold. "Just learn to keep fighting, it's a four-quarter match. In the first half, I thought I personally played badly, our attack did not really pace. … We just have to run, that's what counts, and we need to do a better job in this area. "

It's cold and hard truth.

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