Samantha Bee Dog-Whistling Shreds Trump And Gop For Anti-Semitism Mainstreaming


Samantha Bee called out President Donald Trump and his Republican supporters for repeatedly using a whistle on a "xenophobic mob."

Bee noted on Wednesday's "Full Frontal" that "mainstream conservatives would never say anything negative about Jewish people outright," but instead were using subtle anti-Semitic terms such as "coastal elites," "globalists" and "Hollywood liberals."

Their current "biggest, loudest dog whistle" is George Soros, Bee explained. She pointed out that the billionaire investor and Jewish Holocaust survivor who created a charitable foundation called Open Society "as a" demonic, Nazi, commie super-villain "who controls the world.

"Scapegoating Jewish people is an ancient, horrible tradition and it is happening in our country," said Bee.

"Republicans did not ask their supporters to take an AR-15 and massacre praying Jews," she added, in reference to Saturday's mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. "But Republicans were speaking a language that shooter heard loud and clear."

Watch Bee's dissection of Rep. Steve King's (R-Iowa) promotion of white nationalist views here:

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