Samantha Markle tells Meghan that "even the Grinch has developed a heart" and suggests a family reunion


Meghan Markle's sister, Samantha, already seems to be entering the holiday spirit. She sent a tweet saying, "Even the Grinch has grown in his heart, Meg [angel and kissy face emoji] #Markles meets. However, with all the recent drama between the Duchess and her sister, a meeting seems highly unlikely. A supporter echoed this sentiment and said, "Hoping the Christmas spirit hits her [heart emoji] & your family will meet 4 [Christmas tree, peace, family emojis] Once again. Samantha replied, "For everyone because life is short and precious. "

However, not everyone was on board. A person slammed the good wishes.

"It's amazing how you did not want to" get together "until she married royalty. Now, this is the most important thing of all time. Do not think that her husband will let you go near her. "

At the beginning of last month, Samantha headed for Kensington Palace and handed a letter to a guard detailing the Daily Express. It could have been a moment for her to find her famous sister, but the visit was made without invitation and rumors were running that Meghan had no intention of seeing Samantha.

And even if a meeting with Markle seems very unlikely, Meghan's mother, Doria, would have at least been invited to join the royal family for their Christmas party.

This was surprising news, as mothers are not usually invited to such events. At the same time, it was reported that Meghan wanted her mother to go to Kensington Palace after the birth of her baby, which could cause a lot of resistance, the official said. Inquisitr.

Samantha is also planning to publish a comprehensive book on the Duchess, which will not fail to provoke even more controversy and increase friction within the family. After all, the whole debacle was launched with photos of paparazzi that Meghan's father sold to the press, which the royal family considered a huge taboo.

To make matters worse, the book's release is scheduled at about the same time Meghan is about to give birth, around April or May 2019, detailed the Daily mail. This report appears to contradict Samantha's initial reaction to the news of the royal baby, when she stated the following, according to the Inquisitr.

"Everyone just needs to be quiet and let that be a good thing for them, for the whole world, for the family and that's where I am."

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