Samantha Markle was only at Kensington Palace for 'two minutes'


Samantha Markle Buckingham Palace Letter Duchess Meghan
Samantha Markle goes to London's Kensington Palace to deliver a letter to her half-sister, Meghan Markle, on October 1, 2018.

Samantha Markle's trip to Kensington Palace did not go as planned. More details appear one day after The Duchess Meghan half-sister was turned away by security when she arrived at the palace.

"Samantha was with another gentleman who was pushing his chair for her. They stopped at the gate of the Kensington Palace Gardens, "said a spectator. We weekly of his short trip. "They handed the letter to the security guard and left. They stayed there for about two minutes. "

The viewer adds that Markle, 53, "will be lucky if this letter even manages to cross this door".

Samantha Markle Buckingham Palace Letter Duchess Meghan Prince Harry
Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry visit the Joff Youth Center in Peacehaven, Sussex on October 3, 2018 in Peacehaven, UK. Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Markle did not arrive at the right entrance either. She waited outside the door of Kensington Palace Gardens, further away from the Duchess Meghan.

Following her attempt at entry, she was seen wearing real-life cardboard masks Prince Harry and Meghan outside the popular tourist place.

Markle recently made a public apology to Meghan in hopes of repairing their relationship.

"There is so much water under the bridge and so many things have never been planned," Markle said in an interview held during the British talk show earlier this month. "I think everyone [in our family] I was hurt not to have been included or invited to the wedding, but I felt as if everything had been pinched in the bud if everyone had been included. We all simply agreed to go forward with a positive determination and the feelings of pain would not have snowballed. "

The former royal sister of the newly created Royal Family is not the only one to have caused a tragedy in Meghan since her engagement with Harry, 34. Before the royal wedding in May, his father, Thomas Markle, made the headlines for the staging of paparazzi photos, a scandal that Samantha then blamed.

"It was done with good intention to give the British royal family – and also to themselves – a good look because the media was so unfairly presenting it in a negative light," she said at a press conference. interview. "It just looks great … I think he had the right to defend himself.

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