San Francisco Giants owner Charles B. Johnson donates to super PAC known for racist commercials


The San Francisco Giants and the team's main owner, Charles B. Johnson, could not have retreated faster after a report revealing Johnson's contributions to a super PAC that had funded one of the most shocking that you have ever heard.

The announcement was created by the Black Americans group for the President's program and aired on Arkansas radio with a message of support to outgoing Republican MP French Hill, a candidate for re-election in the second congressional district. from Arkansas. The ad went viral Thursday on Twitter when an account tweeted the outrageous audio with a picture of Hill, who is white.

A ThinkProgress report released on Friday revealed that Johnson was one of many wealthy white conservatives funding black Americans in the president's program. Johnson would have contributed $ 1,000.

How bad was this announcement?

The ad features two black women discussing the turbulent process of confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who has been confirmed despite multiple allegations of sexual abuse against him dating back to his high school years.

Speakers use this topic to argue that the Democratic Party's efforts to block Kavanuagh would mean that black men could be further harmed by white Democrats if they were accused of rape by a white woman, which speakers consider inevitable. .

The "highlights" of the announcement include:

"If Democrats can do that to a white justice of the Supreme Court … what will happen to our husbands, fathers or sons when a white girl liars them?"

"Daughter, the white Democrats will lynch the blacks again."

"If you get caught, she will cry the rape."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The announcement seen on Twitter more than 2 , 5 million times on Friday afternoon, is so ridiculous that Hill, which supports advertising, has even done everything possible to condemn it on Twitter "in the strongest terms.""Data-reactid =" 33 "> The ad, which has been viewed on Twitter more than 2.5 million times on Friday afternoon, is so ridiculous that Hill, which advertising supports, has even done its best to to condemn her. on Twitter "in the strongest terms."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "By ThinkProgress, a similar ad is aired in Missouri in favor of the Senate's campaign Josh Hawley, Attorney General of Missouri Republican. According to Associated Press, super PAC co-founder, Vernon Robinson, said the creation of the advertisement was costing $ 50,000 and that it would continue to be played despite bipartisan outrage. Robinson himself is known for his past congressional campaigns that used extremely xenophobic rhetoric."data-reactid =" 34 "> Per ThinkProgress, a similar announcement airs in Missouri to support the Senate campaign Josh Hawley, Attorney General of Missouri Republican. According to Associated Press, super PAC co-founder, Vernon Robinson, said the creation of the advertisement was costing $ 50,000 and that it would continue to be played despite bipartisan outrage. Robinson himself is known for his past congressional campaigns that used extremely xenophobic rhetoric.

Giants, Johnson press statements condemning an ad

A few hours after ThinkProgress released its report linking Johnson financially to black Americans for the president's agenda, the Giants issued statements from the team and Johnson. The statements claimed that the team was unaware of Johnson's contributions to the super PAC and that he was unaware that his contributions would be used by the super PAC in a way that would cause such a backtracking.

All parties also condemned the racist content of the advertisement.

Political contributions of Charles B. Johnson

While Johnson stood out from the publicity created by black Americans for the president's program, he did not donate to a super conservative PAC by accident.

Through Johnson's, he has donated millions of dollars to conservative organizations in recent years.

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