San Francisco's dirtiest cleanliness issues make more national headlines



The state of San Francisco streets has once again made headlines, this time nationwide in the New York Times. In an article published on Monday, October 8, the newspaper called Hyde Street Block 300 San Francisco's dirtiest block and compared it to "the misery of the developing world".

Hyde Street resident Larry Gothberg has lived in his Tenderloin building since 1982. He has amassed a collection of photos, illustrating what is happening right outside his door.

"When I moved into the neighborhood for the first time, it was not like that, I think because of crack in the 90s. is degraded. "

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The Gothberg block is littered with dozens of used needles, an odor of urine and feces and those who seemed to sell drugs.

"Heroin freeze, that's what I call, it's not an official term, that's what I call it because they're stuck fighting."

Gothberg points to a man leaning on the other side of the street, insensitive and not moving.

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To be fair, the Department of Public Works reported receiving a considerable number of neighborhood service calls such as Mission and Chinatown.

ABC7 News met with San Francisco Mayor London Breed for his article on the Times.

"Unfortunately, many articles have criticized the traffic conditions in our beautiful city.This is because people do not respect it and we all have to shoulder our responsibilities."

Just over $ 70 million has been allocated for street cleaning. When asked what can be done to solve the problem, Breed refers to times when she is herself a witness to bad behavior.

"That's why I'm getting to know people and trying to figure out what's going on.In fact, someone threw something on the floor and said," Pick it up! " He went back and he said, "Madam Mayor, I have I am sorry, I am sorry. We must have a conversation and not ignore when someone throws something on the ground. We need to change our behavior and we have to hold people accountable. This is the next step in all of this. "

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While Gothberg is frustrated and thinks that the city's problems are often found in his neighborhood, he thinks the New York Times article has a positive side.

"I'm glad they went out to do the article, maybe something will be done."

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