Sandalwood oil could be a secret solution for baldness


Could sandalwood be the cure for the thinning hair we expected? (Image:

Losing one's hair can be an emotional experience.

Yes, these are just hair – strands of keratin coming out of our scalp. This should not be a big problem. But our culture puts so much emphasis and significance on the hair that sparse or lost hair can be overwhelming.

This is why any miracle solution to regrow hair will be celebrated.

The new thing about the block: Rub the sandalwood on your scalp.

Researchers at the Monasterium laboratory in Münster have discovered that sandalwood oil can stimulate hair growth after six days. They believe that this is due to the "olfactory receptors" of the hair, which respond to the scent of sandalwood by multiplying keratin.

Earlier studies have shown that sandalwood oil can cause the multiplication of keratin in the skin, which speeds up the healing of wounds. Scientists wanted to see if the same results could apply to keratin in our hair.

Researchers exposed Sandalore to human scalp tissue from donors who recently underwent a face lift, an artificial scent that smells like sandalwood.

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Six days after exposure, keratin levels in the scalp began to increase, indicating skin regeneration and hair growth.

The scent is believed to block the genes responsible for the death of keratin cells, acting on the olfactory receptor OR2AT4.

The researchers believe that the results could be used to develop a cure for baldness.

But before spending all your money on sandalwood, please note that additional research is needed. It will not be long before experts can say that sandalwood oil is a miracle solution.

That said, sandalwood oil is less expensive than all the anti-baldness products you already buy, so feel free to try it if you're curious.

MORE: Scientists are coming closer to a cure for baldness

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