Sanders and Harris on the verge of crisscrossing Iowa


Meaning. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersThe countdown to the elections: the donations of small donors explode | Russian woman accused of meddling mid-term | Remember the Senate debate in North Dakota | O & # 39; Rourke gives the "no definitive" to 2020 | Democrats hope Latino voters get bluer in Arizona than Bernie Sanders' age should not disqualify him in 2020 (I-Vt.) And Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisSanders and Harris on the verge of cruising Iowa Kamala Harris rallies South Carolina voters On The Money: Mnuchin withdraws from Saudi summit | Consumer Bureau to probe controversial blog articles on race | Harris proposes a new tax credit for the middle class PLUS (D-Calif.) Will travel to Iowa in the coming days to campaign for Democratic candidates, which will give them a chance to stand out in front of voters in a state that will host the country's first caucus in February 2020.

The two prominent senators will be in the state of Hawkeye to campaign for Democrats to run for congressional seats and state offices in the mid-term elections of November 6. Although no legislator has announced his candidacy for the presidency, the visits have put him in front of voters who will play a crucial role in the organization of the 2020 primaries.

"This is the time to start coming to Iowa," said Steffen Schmidt, professor of political science at Iowa State University, adding that candidates "must capture a good number of Democrats who will participate in caucuses ".

Having a strong organization is important for success in caucuses, he said, because candidates need people to come forward and support them in every forum.

Visits by Sanders and Harris are part of broader efforts to campaign for Democrats mid-term. Iowa is part of a nine-nation tour for Sanders and Harris will be present after stops in South Carolina and Wisconsin.

Sanders is due to visit Iowa Saturday and Sunday. He will be campaigning for former professional baseball player J.D. Scholten, who runs against GOP Rep. Steve KingSteven (Steve) Arnold KingSanders, Harris ready to crisscross Iowa Steve King approves white nationalist mayor candidate in Canada Julian Castro responds to Steve King's comments on "Hispanics": "He does what he does usually does ", a leading immigration officer, in the 4th congressional district of Iowa. Cook's non-partisan political report called the race a "likely Republican".

Sanders will participate in several events with Scholten: rallies in Sioux City and Ames; a city hall focused on social security; and a reunion parade at Iowa State University. Deidre DeJear, Iowa's Secretary of State candidate, is also the first candidate for the big black parties to hold a position in the state.

Harris is scheduled to travel Monday and Tuesday to participate in early gatherings in various parts of the state, particularly in the Des Moines area and in Cedar Rapids.

A number of these events will take place on college campuses, including a rally at Des Moines Community College with congressional candidate Cindy Axne, and some candidates for the state legislature. Axne, a small business owner, is looking to replace GOP Rep. David YoungDavid Edmund YoungSanders and Harris on the verge of cruising Iowa The Hill's 12:30 Report – Trump seizes the "caravan" of immigrants for the midterms | WHCA criticizes Trump for praising lawmaker who assaulted journalist | Trump insists harder on vulnerable Saudi Republicans throw "Hi Mary" to pre-existing conditions MORE in the 3rd Iowa Congress District – a race called "draw" by Cook.

Iowa could be a key state in the quest for Democrats to take control of the House. Democrats need a net gain of 23 seats to win the majority, and there are three congressional districts held by the GOP in Iowa that could tip over. In addition to the races involving Scholten and Axne, MP Abby Finkenauer comes up against Rep. Rod Blum (R) in the 1st Congressional District in a race that Cook describes as "skinny democracy".

The Democrats hope to win state-level races, including DeJear's and the governor's.

DeJear spokesperson, Cynthia Sebian-Lander, said it was important to motivate students for the upcoming elections and that it was helpful to appeal to big names to campaign.

"Many early voting locations will be open next week, so this is the perfect time to visit," said Sebian-Lander.

Mid-term campaign trips also give potential presidential candidates the opportunity to test their messages and connect with people who can help with their future campaigns.

Sanders has experience in Iowa. He narrowly lost the Democratic caucuses of Iowa in 2016 Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonRepublicans vouch for Coffman to invest in Miami: Katy Perry congratulates Taylor Swift for plunging into politics Countdown to elections: donations from small donors explode | Russian woman accused of meddling mid-term | Remember the Senate debate in North Dakota | O & # 39; Rourke gives the "no definitive" to 2020 | Democrats hope Latino voters will turn blue in Arizona PLUS.

Harris, however, is not well known in the state. This will be her first visit to Iowa since the 2008 presidential cycle, as she campaigned for Sen. Barack ObamaBarack Hussein Obama: Republicans vouch for Coffman to invest in Miami seat Five conclusions of first debate in North Dakota Senate Live coverage: Heitkamp faces Cramer in high-risk debate in North Dakota MORE during his tenure as a San Francisco attorney.

Sean Bagniewski, chairman of the Polk County Democrats, said Harris's visit gave him an opportunity to introduce himself to Iowa voters.

"There is a draw and an anticipation to meet her for the first time," he said. The Polk County Democrats are holding an event with Harris and DeJear on Monday, and Bagniewski estimated that about 500 people will attend the meeting, more than originally planned.

Prominent Republicans also appeared in Iowa before the mid-term elections of November 6. President TrumpDonald John TrumpCorker: The United States Should Determine The Responsibility Of The Death Of A Saudi Journalist Five Conclusions To Be Withheld From The Heller-Rosen Hollywood Debate In Nevada A Senator Calls For US Action After An Explanation "absurd" in Arabia visited earlier this month, and Vice President Pence made the trip on Friday.

Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanMeghan McCain calls Russian attacks on his father "the greatest compliment" of his family Atheist group pleads in court for the right to pray in the House Small donations explode during the time of Trump MORE (R-Wis.), Who will retire from Congress early January, will be in Iowa Tuesday to campaign for Young. He should also campaign for Blum before the midterms.

Harris and Sanders are not the only Democratic presidential candidates to visit Iowa this month.

Meaning. Cory BookerCory Anthony BookerSanders and Harris will crisscross the countdown to elections in Iowa: donations from small donors explode | Russian woman accused of meddling mid-term | Remember the Senate debate in North Dakota | O & # 39; Rourke gives the "no definitive" to 2020 | Democrats hope Latin voters will turn blue Arizona Kamala Harris will rally South Carolina voters (D-N.J.) And Jeff MerkleyJeffrey (Jeff) Alan MerkleySanders and Harris ready to crisscross the senator of Iowa Dem call for action in the United States after an "absurd" explanation of Saudi Arabia Jay Inslee (D), Governor of Washington, has been visiting the state in recent days and weeks, and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D) spent part of the weekend in the # 39, State.

Mr. Hickenlooper spoke on Friday at the World Food Prize Symposium in Des Moines and was dedicated to meeting events to support candidates in the state legislature. He is participating in Saturday's launch events of the canvas with Iowa's Democratic coordinated campaign, said Brad Komar, Executive Director of the Hickenlooper Leadership CAP.

To have Sanders, Harris and Hickenlooper in the state for a few days is just a taste of what's coming up in the caucus on February 3, 2020.

"It sure will be busy," said Bagniewski.

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