Sanders: Trump gives a "terrible example" for our children


Sen. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersThe countdown to the elections: the donations of small donors explode | Russian woman accused of meddling mid-term | Remember the Senate debate in North Dakota | O & # 39; Rourke gives the "no definitive" to 2020 | Democrats hope Latino voters get bluer in Arizona than Bernie Sanders' age should not disqualify him in 2020 (I-Vermont) accused President TrumpDonald John TrumpCorker: The United States Should Determine The Responsibility Of The Death Of A Saudi Journalist Five Conclusions To Be Withheld From The Heller-Rosen Hollywood Debate In Nevada A Senator Calls For US Action After An Explanation "absurd" in Arabia to give a "terrible example" to children at a rally Saturday in South Carolina.

"I have four children and seven grandchildren. We try to bring up our children so that they are honest and treat others with respect and compassion. Whatever the case, whatever your political point of view, whether you are conservative or progressive. children to be honest and decent, "said Sanders at the rally in Colombia.

"What kind of terrible example does this person in the White House give our children?" Continued the senator, referring to Trump.

The Vermont senator also criticized the president for calling him "embarrassment" and "pathological liar".

"There is no politician in history who is not trying to argue his point of view, that's politics, but we've never had a president who all the time and it's quite possible that he does not even know the difference between a truth and a lie, "Sanders said.

Sanders' remarks were made at a rally supposed to support "Medicare for All", according to the state.

His visit to South Carolina was the latest in a series of candidate visits to the Democratic presidential election, including California Sen. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisSanders and Harris on the verge of cruising Iowa Kamala Harris rallies South Carolina voters On The Money: Mnuchin withdraws from Saudi summit | Consumer Bureau to probe controversial blog articles on race | Harris proposes a new tax credit for the middle class PLUS (D) and New Jersey Sen. Cory BookerCory Anthony BookerSanders and Harris will crisscross the countdown to elections in Iowa: donations from small donors explode | Russian woman accused of meddling mid-term | Remember the Senate debate in North Dakota | O & # 39; Rourke gives the "no definitive" to 2020 | Democrats hope Latin voters will turn blue Arizona Kamala Harris will rally South Carolina voters (D), in front of the state's Democratic primary in 2020.

Although Sanders has not yet announced plans for another presidential bid in 2020, the Vermont Independent has visited several states in the last few months before the mid-term elections in November to convince the candidates to the Congress.

Sanders was also to campaign for J.D. Scholten, who runs against the representative. Steve KingSteven (Steve) Arnold KingSanders, Harris ready to crisscross Iowa Steve King approves white nationalist mayor candidate in Canada Julian Castro responds to Steve King's comments on "Hispanics": "He does what he does usually does " (R-Iowa).

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