Sara Paxton talks about her "compassionate" rendition of Donna Rice in "The Front Runner" – Watch


08:00 PST 06/06/2018


Bryan White

"It was a person who was so much more than she was described."

Sara Paxton returned to her birth year to chronicle US Senator Gary Hart's presidential campaign in 1988 in her latest film. The front runner.

The biographical drama, directed by Jason Reitman, stars Hugh Jackman as Hart at the height of a media circus surrounding his scandalous extramarital affair with Donna Rice (Paxton).

The actress admitted not remembering the fall of the Democratic presidential candidate, but nevertheless stumbled upon the story one year before her casting, en route to an audition.

"I was in my car and I was listening Radiolab and the episode was about Gary Hart and Donna Rice and all that happened, "said Paxton The Hollywood journalist. "I remember asking myself why I did not know anything about it before and why we did not talk about it anymore." And then, I moved on to something else and I did not think about it anymore. year after receiving the script sent to me. "

Paxton did not have the chance to meet his counterpart in real life and instead mapped the character's terrified character's tabloid through Reitman's script.

"What mattered most to me was simply to capture the woman's empathy in this situation," Paxton said.

After watching the film, Rice, CEO and founder of the NGO Enough is Enough, told Reitman that she was happy to have been portrayed with compassion. Paxton revealed that it was gratifying to receive rave reviews from the activist after staying away from the nasty character assigned to her for a long time.

"It was a person who was much more than she was described," said Paxton. "I have the impression that she finally has the voice that she did not have 30 years ago."

The collection and distribution of news played an important role in the impact of the scandal at that time, and Paxton spoke of the changing media landscape and its role today.

"People were pulling their news from the newspaper on their way to the booth. Things like CNN were just starting when I was a baby, "she said. "Now, it's as if every hour seemed like a new story."

The front runner had a limited release on November 6th and will expand nationwide on November 21st.

Watch the video above to hear Paxton talk about his favorite day on the set, reveal his reaction to his cast and more.

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