Sarah Huckabee Sanders hits CNN's Jim Acosta from a low blow arguing over the "facts"


Image: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

The press briefings of the White House are back and they are still disconcerting.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the first since Sept. 10, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has repeatedly said that Donald Trump made a shameless mockery of Christine Blasey Ford on Tuesday night. while the president simply declared "facts".

After White House White House correspondent Jim Acosta questioned Sanders about Trump's remarks, the two men engaged in a brief but passionate exchange, and Sanders accused CNN of not state facts.

When asked if she thought that Brett Kavanaugh – the supreme court nominee appointed by the Supreme Court and accused of sexual assault by Ford – was a victim, Sanders said, "I think the Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh are Victims in the Hands of Democrats ". Let's say that it is crucial to consider the facts present in both testimonials.

Acosta then asked if Sanders had problems with Trump's widely criticized comments about Ford at the Tuesday night rally in Mississippi.

"I have no problem in stating facts, no … I know it's probably a problem with which you have a problem but that we do not have," Sanders said before to move on to another question.

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"In fact, Sarah, we are stating the facts and I think there have been many opportunities not to state the facts if I can answer," Acosta replied.

After the moment of tension, many became aware of Sanders' defense and called her on social media to take her snark.

These past few days have been controversial for Trump and his Supreme Court candidate. After Ford's testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the FBI is currently investigating the charges against Kavanaugh.

The FBI is likely to close its investigation shortly, and Sanders has confirmed that a Senate vote is expected shortly thereafter.

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