Sarah Michelle Gellar post on Instagram on fans of overeating


Sarah annoyed some people with her Thanksgiving message (photo: Amanda Edwards / WireImage)

Sarah Michelle Gellar is one of our feminist icons since she was Buffy against vampires.

But in her latest Instagram post, people blame her for shame before one of the US's most diet-conscious holidays.

The 41-year-old shared a series of regressions from a pin-up session in which she wore an open white shirt over a bra, suspenders and stockings.

There was no doubt that Sarah looked incredible – but it was her legend that really annoyed people.

The actress wrote: "I'm just going to pin them everywhere in the house to remind me not to overeat Thursday #thanksgivingprep."

Some followers have interpreted this legend as a disgrace to the body, and many have taken Sarah's words to discourage you from savoring your turkey and potatoes.

One person commented, "A day of good food and tradition with your family and friends will not change your body. And even if it did, is it bad to be anything but thin?

Another person explained, "Hey, @sarahmgellar, I love you very much, but this message (especially for vulnerable girls), it's crap. What about someone who can do both? What about considering your messages through a shamy body / shaming filter / shitty culture before posting? Your body is beautiful, but all bodies are beautiful – chubby, fat, curves must be raised and no longer demonized. & # 39;

The actress has her own cookbook (photo: John Lamparski / WireImage)

And a comment said, "Because women do not have enough reminders to let themselves die of hunger and they are afraid to eat …"

However, others have defended the actress Cruel Intentions, saying that there was no harm or malice in the post.

A fan wrote, "People take everything on the offensive these days, it's more and more ridiculous. What's wrong with saying you do not want to eat too much? You are supposed to eat until you are full, not before you run the pain. & # 39;

And another said, "She is amazing and should not be ashamed to look that way."

More: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Some of Sarah's celebrity fans have also hailed the turning back, with Debra Messing's writing: "Are you making fun of me ?!" And Shannon Doherty leaving a series of emojis inflamed.

We think Sarah did not want to say anything from the mail – but for the record, there is nothing wrong with eating extra portions of your dinner and a box of milk platter for afternoons.

Sarah – who has two children, Charlotte and Rocky, and her husband for 16 years, Freddie Prinze Jr – is the co-founder of Foodstirs, a brand that sells pastry kits, and has written her first cookbook called Stirring up Fun with Food in 2017

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