Satan ruled out as an expert puzzler on a mysterious burning mine in Arkansas


Experts are trying to determine the cause of flames up to 12 feet tall spontaneously in a pit in Midway, Arkansas last month.

So far, they have remained empty … but they know what did not cause it.

"As for Satan, we have excluded him," county judge Mickey Pendergrass told Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. "He did not come to stick his pitchfork in the ground and blow that hole."

The fire lasted about 40 minutes on September 17 from a hole allegedly made by animals, the newspaper said.

"I've raised the temperature to 780 degrees inside the hole," said Fire Chief Donald Tucker at THV 11, the head of the Springfield News. "But what is the cause? I have no idea. There are no gas lines nearby and there was no smell of natural gas. "

He also ruled out a meteor strike, as the 3.5-foot deep pit had been there for some time.

"I can not imagine any geological situation that would allow this to happen. Not in this region, "Ty KY3, a professional geologist with geology in Arkansas, told KY3. "There are no fossil fuels, natural gas or oil in the area."

Jim Sierzchula, director of the Baxter County, Arkansas emergency management office, told the chief executive that there was a gas station nearby, but there is no indication that there was a gas station nearby. he caused the fire.

He also said that there had been lightning in the area the night before.

"We still do not know what triggered it and what fueled it," Pendergrass told KY3. "And that can remain forever a mystery."

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