"Saturday Night Live" dressing room sketch about Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation is too real


Clear Marie

<p class = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Saturday, Senate members confirmed Brett Kavanaugh deputy judge of the Supreme Court Saturday night, SNL targeted the controversial decision. "Data-reactid =" 14 "> On Saturday, Senate members confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as Associate Justice at the Supreme Court. SNL referred to the controversial decision.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Saturday Night Live The comedian did not hesitate to make political comments and the long series of comedies did it very quickly this weekend, dedicating his cold overture to Kavanaugh's confirmation in a skit that was both excessive and obsessive, real at a time. "data-reactid =" 15 ">Saturday Night Live The comedian did not hesitate to make political comments and the long series of comedies did it very quickly this weekend, dedicating his cold overture to Kavanaugh's confirmation in a skit that was both excessive and obsessive, real at a time. .

The principle is simple: CNN sends the chief political correspondent, Dana Bash (played by Heidi Gardner) to the Republican "cloakroom" as she celebrates the victory of her team by confirming Kavanaugh in front of the highest court in the country. On an ESPN-esque scene, several high-ranking Republicans stop to celebrate their victory, gloat, and make dull comments on the #MeToo protesters.

Photo credit: NBC – Getty Images

"Republicans have read the state of mind of the country, it could be said that people really wanted Kavanaugh," said Beck Bennett as Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, in a perfect impression of the senator. "Everyone is pumped – from white men over 60 to white men over 70.

The appearance of Senator Lindsey Graham as Kate McKinnon's senator, however, was profound, fully explaining why this decision was so frustrating and heartbreaking for many Americans.

"We've really worried a lot of women today, but I'm not pregnant, so I'm not sure," Graham said of McKinnon.

Yep. Seems pretty much right.

Photo credit: NBC – Getty Images

McKinnon & # 39; s Graham also referred to the #MeToo movement and protesters who stormed the Capitol this week, fighting against Kavanaugh's nomination.

"They have been there for us all week, encouraging, shouting in front of our offices," said McKinnon under the pseudonym Graham.

"I'm sorry, do you think they were fans?" Gardner-as-Bash asked, looking troubled and worried.

"Oh yes, of course, and I know they agree with us because they scream 'me too'," replied Graham McKinnon.

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