Authorities have indicted Alec Baldwin for assault and harassment after his arrest for hitting a man in the face during a dispute over a parking spot in front of the actor 's home in New York. Baldwin did not comment as he passed in front of journalists and photographers after his release from police custody. (November 2nd)

This week's "Saturday Night Live" is the rare episode in which Alec Baldwin is not as cold as President Trump – perhaps because the actor was arrested Friday after apparently hitting a man in the streets of New York in the context of a conflict a parking place.

Instead, Kate McKinnon led the way with her impression of Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who focused on Fox News' coverage of the migrant caravan, while stealthily insinuating Baldwin's absence from home. end.

"When we come back, an update of former disgraced actor Alec Baldwin – seen here molesting a young scout," she announced, with her screen showing a photo of Baldwin's classic Scoutmaster's classic skit character and Adam Sandler.

More: Alec Baldwin denies having "hit a person on a parking lot" after an arrest and an assault charge

After Friday's altercation, Baldwin was arrested and charged with assault, the police told USA TODAY.

Baldwin called the situation "blatantly mistaken" in a response posted on a Twitter account of the Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation, in which he wrote: "The statement that I hit somebody" 39, one at a parking location is false ".

"I wanted to mention it on the record," he wrote, saying the "negative accusations" were "click-bait entertainment."

"Fortunately, no matter how much reverberation echoes, the statements are not true," added Baldwin.

Baldwin has been charged with assault and harassment, Det said. Sophia Mason, and was released later on Friday from the 10th NYPD constituency. He will go to a charge judge at a later date.

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