Saturday Small Business in Downtown Sharon



Hundreds of people have traveled to downtown Sharon to celebrate the Saturday holiday season at Small Business.

A ribbon cut at 10 am marked the beginning of the month, DownTown ShopAround.

Its goal is to bring more people to downtown during the holiday shopping season.

Saturday night, from 4 pm to 6 pm, a Christmas illumination tree ceremony called "The Night of the Lights".

Other events in Sharon include horse-drawn sleigh rides and fireworks filling the sky.

Santa has even visited girls and boys.

Never Enough Yarn and dozens of local stores have opened their doors.

The owner of Studio 83 Pottery said it was importing a glass that would not normally come into the store.

"This is a good opportunity for everyone to see what we are doing and to buy a gift certificate for the holiday season.We offer courses for all age groups and all skill levels.This is $ 150.00 for a six-week session, "said the owner, Walter Herman. "At that time, you made about 15 pots. All materials and tutelage are included. It's a fun time. Some students who have taken classes for two years are so good that they sell their cups, bowls and creations at festivals and shows. "

Ephemeral shops have also opened.

"It's important to shop at home in small businesses and to be a country boy." Enter a store where one buys from a person who feeds his family with that. that you buy, as opposed to the business side, "said country singer Chris Higbee at" All Tucked In. "

"You go to a big company and big box stores to buy money and that money goes elsewhere, all the owners of their own store are spending their money here," said Michael Lisac, owner of Warehouse Sales. .

Saturday's small business is also a hit with shoppers.

"There are a lot of small businesses here with very cute and different things – it's great that these stores are so close," said Emilee Bebech, of Masury.

Mothers and girls shopping at the Winner have told 21 news that they have found several items at unbeatable prices.

"Everyone should come here and support our local businesses.It's fun and there were dresses at the right price.I actually found two things that I was not looking for.I have found some dresses at Winner, "said Joyce Burbick. from Sharpsville. "I'm excited about that!" Sharon's Marilyn Burbick added, "Here you do not rush, you simply take our good old days and enjoy your dreams. I found a gray dress at the winner's where you can see the shoulders. It's really pretty and I have a few evenings to do this winter. I like all the shops here. "

"It's important to shop locally in small businesses, which means bringing Sharon's downtown community, loving our stores, enjoying our stores, and simply having fun," said owner Kim Conger. of Firebean Expresso.

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