Say goodbye to Instant Pot, these multi-purpose stoves are the best


Multi-purpose ranges are great appliances that few people enjoy. What other kitchen appliance is able to cook rice, bake, sauté, steam, grab, etc. in one package? You can literally throw a bunch of ingredients in the pan and come back later for a well cooked meal. In other words, the versatile cooks are the cooking workshop we all deserve.

Fortunately, stoves are available in all price ranges. So, whether you have a limited budget and need something affordable, or just want something better than your Instant Pot, you can find the right stove for your home. Before you start shopping for your new multi-purpose cooker, you'll want to check our list first.

We have reduced some of the best multi-purpose cookers currently available on the market. This list will give you the details you need to know and showcases the best feature of each cooker.

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