Scaramucci: Trump should "get the upper hand"


"I would like to see him turn further in this area and gain height, so that we can stop that kind of nonsense and talk about all the economic benefits that come along," Scaramucci said. in an interview Monday night with CNN's Erin Burnett on "Erin Burnett OutFront".

His comments came in response to a Trump tweet earlier Monday, in which the president called California Democrat Representative Maxine Waters "a person of extraordinarily low IQ".
Trump's tweet was a response to Waters comments on Saturday, encouraging supporters to publicly confront members of the president's cabinet and tell them that they are no longer welcome, no matter where.

"This is obviously not acceptable," said Scaramucci about Trump's tweet.

He said Trump should focus more on his achievements than on attacking others.

"I do not think he's doing the right thing, because he's the president of the United States and that he's won, he's set up a big policy." span and he leads a general policy that leads to prosperity United States, "said Scaramucci.

Maxine Waters: I did not call the wrong of someone.

He stressed that there will be "peace and prosperity in the world" as a result of Trump's policies, and said the president's communications should focus on that.

Scaramucci explained that he believes that Trump thinks that going to the offensive is his best defense strategy against supposed media biases against him.

"I think he thinks he's doing the right thing, I think he thinks he's been painted in a corner by the media," Scaramucci said. "I think he's thinking that there's a 91% negative bias, according to Harvard or Pew Research, all of these different places." He thinks he's having to work his way out of this bend, and he has to galvanize his base and let his base know that he's not going to stand there and defend that 91% media bias. "

Schumer on Waters: Call for Harassment, Not the United States

Trump, as part of her tweet about Waters, wrote: "She has just been harming supporters, of which there are many, from the Make America Great Again movement. "Pay attention to what you want for Max!" that some have interpreted as a threat.

Scaramucci said that he did not see the statement as a threat.

"I did not see this as a threat, but it's now the problem, because it's so intensified, many people see this as a threat," Scaramucci said. "I think what he basically says is that he has so many supporters and that supporters are so prevalent that if you call for the evil of his followers … you can not not hurt them all. "

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