Scarlett Johansson reacts to a backlash for being portrayed as a trans man


Actress Scarlett Johansson is back in hot water for her recent choice to play massage parlor owner Dante "Tex" Gill in the popular drama "Rub & Tug". Gill's real life was born as Lois Jean Gill, but identified as a man – who is a detail in the role that triggered a reaction

April Reign, who is known for the #OscarsSoWhite campaign, tweeted about the new: "Scarlett Johansson received a huge reaction for Ghost in the Shell, when she played a whitewashed Asian character.The film tanked, undeterred, she teamed up with the same director to play a trans character. Male in "Rub & Tug."

Reign's tweet also includes a statement by Johansson via his representative who was featured on Bustle who addressed the particular backlash. they can be directed to Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto, and Felicity Huffman's representatives to comment. "

Deadline announced that Johansson would re-adapt to director Rupert Sanders for" Rub & Tug ". two have already worked together on the adaptation of "Ghost in the Shell", another film that has been the focus of controversy. Many have seen the role of Johansson as a version of the movie Major Motoko Kusanagi as a form of money laundering. is seen as Asian. In the case of "Rub & Tug," she is called for "transface" as one commented on a Twitter person. Another said that it is a case of "ciswashing".

People do not hesitate to call Johansson for playing a trans man since this can be considered his second offense when it comes to appropriating – in this case gender identity.

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