Scarlett Johansson Reportedly Getting $ 15 Million Payday From Marvel For 'Black Widow'


Scarlett Johansson is finally getting her own Black Widow solo movie, and she is getting a cool $ 15 million to do it.

Johansson will be getting a salary of $ 15 million for the upcoming Black Widow movie, which puts her at the same level Chris Evans (Captain America) and Chris Hemsworth (Thor) in Avengers: Infinity War (via THR). Johansson has played the part of Natasha Romanov for six films now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including Iron Man 2, Avengers, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, and Avengers: Infinity War. She will also take over the role in Avengers 4.

While numerous sources confirmed the $ 15 million number to THR, a Marvel spokesperson told them "Marvel Studios disputes the accuracy of these numbers, and has a matter of policy, we never publicly disclose wages or deal terms."

Assuming it's true, there are a few takeaways from this. The first is that it should have come soon, as it basically co-headlined Captain America: Winter Soldier and yet she did not make what Evans did on the movie, which was $ 15 million. The second thing is as good as a solo movies go, this is a big step for Marvel. On first solo ventures, Marvel does not typically go above $ 5 million. To get it into perspective, Robert Downey Jr. received $ 500,000 for his first time as Iron Man, and Chadwick Boseman brought in around $ 2 million for Black Panther. Brie Larson is at $ 5 million for $ 5 million Captain Marvel, but she also signed a seven-picture deal.

As for Black Widow, the Russo Brothers could not be happier than Natasha's finally being explored to a greater degree, something Joe's touched on an appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast.

"Yeah, we're very happy for that. I mean it is such a rich and interesting character, "Joe Russo said." There are so many things to be had in the world, and you know, Scarlett does such a good job to that character that you forget the character's history, and so there's a lot of compelling stories to tell about who has a dark past. "

Tea Black Widow will be directed by Cate Shortland and will be written by Jac Schaeffer. The movie is reported to be a prequel set by Marvel's Avengers but currently has no release date.

Shortland is famous for projects like Somersault, Lore, and her most recent work in Berlin Syndrome. This film is a horror-like thriller, and while we do not expect it (especially Berlin Syndrome's basic premise), it does give you a sense of how shortland can build tension amidst picturesque backdrops. If she can bring that to the world of Black Widow, this could be a great match.

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