Scarlett Johansson's Superhero-Sized Payday For A 'Black Widow' Movie


Marvel / Disney

For 2010's Iron Man 2Scarlett Johansson was reportedly offered $ 250,000 to play Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow. Since then, she's reprised the role in The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, and two Avengers: Infinity War Installments. The female superhero is finally (finally!) Getting her own standalone movie (after Captain Marvel arguably got to cut in line) that's due to arrive in 2020, and it looks like Johansson's receiving a paycheck to match some of her male Avengers.

Tea Hollywood Reporter reveals that Johansson (who was recently crowned as Forbes' highest-paid actress after taking home $ 40.5 million in 12 months) will be paid $ 15 million for the solo picture:

That salary equals what Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth earned for playing Captain America and Thor, respectively, in this year's Avengers: Infinity War. Evans and Hemsworth also nabbed that same $ 15 million payday for Captain America: Civil War and Thor: Ragnarok, respectively, as the fourth Avengers movie.

Part of the salary catch-up factor can be explained to Evans and Hemsworth already carrying their own standalone flicks before Infinity War Marvel fans have already gone to Black Widow solo movie for years. At last, Natasha Romanoff will be more than a sidekick or supporting player, and Marvel / Disney will open up their pockets accordingly. Just in time for Johansson to pick up a new house, right? Well, she earned it.

(Via Hollywood Reporter)

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