A school in england banned students from getting bag packs to school on the pretext that it was causing harm to younger students.
Vexed by the administration's decision, a student started carrying books in a microwave to school as silent protest, the Daily Mail reported. Spalding Grammar school in Lincolnshire told youngsters that they could bring a baggage to school with their material but could not carry them, in-between classes.
The ban was imposed because it was believed that schoolchildren were more likely to be knocked down in smaller corridors. In a statement the school said that students are not allowed in the classroom.
Photo: Dailymail.co.uk
"Pupils are encouraged to carry books by hand for a maximum of two lessons at a time." Dailymail reported.
A few days after this rule, a sixth form student, Hannah Catterall started a petition and another A-one student, Jacob Ford protested by using a microwave to carry his books in between classes.
The students who decided on this decision were in favor of a study of the subject in the absence of a bag, their grades could dramatically reduce.
Parents too protested against this decision 'Pathetic', 'disappointing' and 'ridiculous'. The petition gained 463 signatures following which it was taken down.
Photo: Dailymail / Jacob Ford carrying books in a microwave
'How can you get up to date with all the right books, let alone do things like sanitary towels. This is something of girls and female teachers are talking about. said a parent to a child who has two children studying at the school.
Many parents disapproved of the idea saying that the school should have a higher priority than that of schooling.
Parents also narrated their social media bashing school. Many students were left with no other option to transfer their books to a plastic-carrier bag. At 17 year-old, Ford was suspended for two days for carrying out a silent protest.
Photo: Dailymail / Ford wrote a 3000-word essay penning down his thoughts
He started using wicker baskets and even microwave to get his material to school. Ford penned down his thoughts in a document titled defense, 'Bags in Sixth Form – My Thoughts and A Potential Solution' that he gave to headteacher Steven Wilkinson and other members of staff.
Jacob argues that with the new policy regulations, a lot of money will be spent on the school. These bags are effectively part of our school uniform and should be purchased once a year at a maximum. So me my parents having to fork out around £ 40 for a new bag that fits with the school's policies is outrageous. ' Ford reportedly wrote in his letter.
The school's defense is one of the most important things they have ever done. The school guidelines, indicate that carrying books on the back was the safest course.
The school's website mentions a uniform policy for male and female sixth formers but does not mention anything on bags at all.
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